



贼眉鼠眼、投鼠器、首鼠两端、近视、武术之术、乡鼠土、胆小如鼠、蛇头鼠眼、迎头鼠跑、鼠牙鼠角、猫鼠共眠、浣熊诱鼠、罗雀挖鼠、挖屋鼠、孤儿腐鼠、鼠牙角、乡鼠、鼠过马路、鼠牙、武术五绝、蛇头老鼠眼、城狐社老鼠、眼睛像老鼠、狗头老鼠脑子、老鼠偷狗、狗抓老鼠、杀老鼠喝河水、鼠肚鸡肠、狗拿老鼠(鼠)插手自己的事生意上,一只老鼠坏了一锅汤,老鼠过马路大家喊着打狗,狗偷老鼠,马捉老鼠,猫哭,老鼠,猫,老鼠住在一起。 猫和老鼠睡在一起。 老鼠




虎背腰、虎不食、虎与龙斗、虎蹲龙盘、虎口拔牙、虎口逃走、虎口求生、虎狼威力、虎入羊群、虎腰、虎身腰、虎头蛇尾、虎头燕颌、虎尾泉冰虎罗平川、虎琥珀采芥、虎卧龙跳、虎啸风、龙池虎穴、虎化龙蒸、虎走龙、虎超越龙、虎党狐伴、虎荡羊、虎占龙盘、虎吞鲸、吞虎、虎穴擒龙、虎擒虎传、虎擒虎到平阳、见虎、坐虎窝、虎窝、虎投龙、助虎食、虎风和、调山虎、饿虎扑食、饿虎扑羊、饿虎之路,让虎归山,让虎自卫,风虎云龙,降虎降龙,官与狼,虎与虎,画虎成狗,画虎像狗一样,两只老虎面对面打架,骑虎,给老虎加翅膀,谈论老虎,给老虎翅膀,给老虎加翅膀,帮助老虎,卧虎,藏龙,遗产养虎、引虎自卫、给虎添翼、还虎归山、袭虎、刺虎鹬、斗虎囚龙、雕虎焦元、饿虎吞食羊、饿虎抓羊、放虎之弊、画虎不成、画虎似狗、假虎张伟、饮虎诗龙、拒虎入狼、卧虎盘龙、二虎打架、龙还有猛虎风暴,猛虎展翅,猛虎出山,猛虎长翼,得如虎翼,得如虎翼,养虎扇熊,绣虎雕龙,围剿一只老虎,养老虎留下麻烦,养老虎伤健康,养老虎惹事,养老虎惹事,养老虎自杀,养老虎害自己,养老虎啃,养老虎啃,一个虎不跑,引虎驱狼,引虎入屋,万虎齐心,捉虎擒龙,让虎出箱,虎出箱,虎眼虎吻,春冰和虎尾、虎眼、大人变虎、大德虎变、狐假虎、虎头虎头、虎眼、狼虎眼、狼虎龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,龙和虎,吴无敌,燕燕虎颈,羊入虎群,如羊虎皮,鹰见虎,狼虎豹,鸮见虎,悬饵垂虎口,凤凰叹虎视,甘取虎口,狐借虎威,鲸吞虎咬,九关虎豹,九蝎虎豹,俊波虎波,狼吃虎,狼吃虎,狼吃虎吃,狼吃虎燕,狼虫虎豹狼蛊虎视眈眈,狼前虎背,狼吞虎餐,狼吞虎,稀有虎翼,龙驰虎猛,龙旗虎旗,龙飞虎跃,龙化虎,龙江虎浪,龙气又虎猛,龙乘虎跃,龙乘虎抛,抱龙于盘,抱龙于盘,蹲于龙下,盘绕于虎,踢于龙,跃于虎,蹲于迎虎、吼虎、跃虎、投龙、跃虎、蹲龙、威震龙、龙跳虎吼、龙飞虎蹲、龙腾腾虎跳、龙走虎变、龙跳虎蹲、龙斗虎、龙斗虎、龙开虎眼、马马虎虎、身送虎吻、熊占虎脚。 《虎上山》、《鲁玉弟虎》、《乔龙画虎》、《如狼驱羊攻虎》、《如狼如虎》、《三人成虎》、《活龙活虎》、《骑虎成虎》 、畏敌如虎、骑虎牵蛇、降龙伏虎、云龙峰虎、照猫画虎、杯弓营销虎、除狼得打虎、打死虎、杀龙杀虎、砍虎蜇虎、切肉喂虎、金虎临宫、酒虎龙诗、虎拒狼,虎出山,马马虎,盘龙卧虎,潜龙卧虎,敲山震虎,敲山震虎,人间龙虎,像狼像虎,像龙像虎,,三个字假虎,肉吃虎,肉喂虎,肉喂虎,诱狼拒虎,鱼露地虎,


兔子,狐狸,伤心,兔子,死狗,做饭兔子,猎鹰,兔子,养兔子,燕麦,兔子,飞翔,兔子,燕麦,兔角,牛翅膀,兔角,乌龟毛,兔子死了,兔子缺了天黑了,兔子走开了,猎鹰留在树上,等待兔子。 兔夕雾等兔守树,兔忘蹄,东门追兔,东兔夕雾


龙马精神、龙跃虎跃、龙打虎斗、龙打野、龙怒、龙忧、龙蛇拉龙、龙龙附凤白龙鱼套装龙蛇骑龙好女婿骑龙女婿骑龙凤凰龙上鼎成龙救凤,捉龙斗凤牢,龙斗虎牢,龙临湖,雕龙画凤。 龙爬凤爬龙凤骨龙姿风虎云龙凤狂龙浮躁飞龙骑云伏龙凤雏凤楼龙阙放龙入海伏虎降龙飞龙天上凤毛龙铠凤骨髓龙肝凤舞龙飞凤舞龙盘凤笛龙管凤龙凤龙龙太阳凤龙龙凤龙龙龟龙鳞、凤龟、凤龟、龙片、虎步、龙、虎、龙、蒸虎、超级龙、虎斗斗鹤骨、龙筋、虎、龙、盘虎、依龙、虎龙、虎、洞、龙、画龙、画龙、画龙、画龙、画龙、火龙、龙、活龙、健康龙行、蛇虎卧龙、虎穴龙池、虎投龙抱虎盘、龙酒虎诗龙洪水水酒龙诗虎鱼龙混鱼龙变游云惊龙龙马灵叶公浩龙绣虎雕龙降龙降虎王子成龙土龙卑狗屠龙绝招喝黄龙尸活生生中龙,见活龙,活虎,龙,马,龙,龙,珍珠,龙,无头,白龙鱼衣,龙肝,凤,灵机一动,虎云,龙卧,龙凤幼,卧虎,藏龙池、虎洞、卧虎、降龙、乌龟、龙片、甲虎斗龙、打虎、卧龙盘、画龙眼、活龙、活虎、卧龙、跳虎穴、龙池、龙得水、形似龙子龙文、龙凤呈祥、龙鸣、狮吼、龙、凤、龙、盘瓠、龙、盘、虎、龙、蛇、龙、蛇、龙、蛇、龙、九子、暴腮、龙门、龙跳虎、卧龙池、虎穴、龙腾、虎跳、翘龙画、虎走、虎踏飞虎步龙起虎视一龙门龙跃凤鸣龙虎啸鱼龙满宁盘龙狂龙张凤子龙斗虎斗炮凤煮龙一龙一蛇煮龙炮凤一龙一猪搭配成龙元龙高卧屠龙功箱内龙吟药剂,飞龙、云、龙井、青蛙、青蛙、龙、戏水、龙、龙、龙、箕子、龙、龙、凤、凤、龙,龙,悔龙多旱,龙破,龙在田。 龙凤呈祥。 神鱼龙混鱼龙云变惊龙龙马灵叶公浩龙绣虎雕龙降虎望子成龙土龙草狗屠龙、喝黄龙尸、住龙、见活龙、人间活虎、龙车、水、马龙、龙、龙、龙、无头、白龙鱼装、龙蛇骑龙、好女婿-婆婆、骑龙、快女婿、成龙、配藏龙、卧虎、老人、龙钟、凤钓、龙龟、龙鳞、凤凰、女婿如龙、肝凤、脑、虎、云、龙、凤、幼、卧虎、藏龙、龙池、虎穴、虎、降龙、龟、龙片、铠甲虎、斗龙争虎卧龙盘、画龙眼、龙活、虎卧、龙跃、虎穴、龙池、龙、水、龙、龙、龙、龙、凤、吉祥龙、吼、龙、凤、龙、盘虎、龙、盘、虎、龙蛇、杂龙生九子、暴腮、龙门、龙跳虎、卧龙池塘、虎穴、龙腾、虎跳、乔龙画、虎走、虎步、龙腾、龙腾、虎观、龙门、龙腾、凤鸣、龙歌、虎啸、鱼龙满燕、盘龙氏习惯,龙张凤子,龙斗虎,斗炮凤,煮龙龙蛇,煮龙凤龙猪,搭配成龙元龙,高位屠龙技能、龙吟药店、飞龙云、龙井蛙


寻草蛇笔底部龙蛇杯弓蛇影壁蛇影杯蛇鬼车杯蛇幻杯影蛇弓笔行走龙蛇杯中蛇影长蛇封猪草蛇灰线春蛇秋虫春虫秋蛇打草惊蛇,打草惊蛇,打蛇打七寸毒蛇,猛兽打架,断蛇,走佛口蛇心鸟惊蛇,封猪,长蛇,毒蛇,蜇手,壮士松腕,佛心,蛇口,封猪,修蛇,弓影,杯蛇,行走蛇虫吓龙,走蛇,画蛇加脚,画蛇脚虎头蛇尾,惊蛇入草,鲸吞蛇,鬼蛇,龙弯蛇,龙蛇飞,龙蛇飞,龙蛇蛇混灵蛇,蛇珠,龙,尾,牛,鬼蛇,强龙不压蛇吞象,分蛇成蛇,破蛇成龙,不变。 蛇口蜂针,蛇吃鲸鱼,吞三蛇七鼠,蛇头鼠眼蛇心佛口象时代,正是龙蛇贪蛇忘尾,被混蛋毁掉的时候。 如何给蛇画脚、抱蛇骑虎、给蛇、猫头鹰、鬼怪加脚、在蛇膝上说话、托蛇养驴变成蛇。 咬,十年怕井绳,两端一蛇咬,三年怕井绳长成蛇,


赛翁失马,安知不是扶塞翁失马,怎么知道不是扶塞翁的马呢? 一匹脱缰的马。 天马行于天。 长着牛角的男孩。 牛识马黑头,白马识白头黑头,白马识黑头。 冯夫人下马看花,将马埋入轮中,将威马套上缰绳。 牛归马。 马丢了。 可以等一匹马,衣着朴素,轻胖,靠马,靠马,靠马,靠马,往马身上扔钱。 燕赵良马招兵、买马、枕、汗、停马、狍子、招马、指鹿、为马成马、走马、上任、马匹、风毛、上任、走马、手表花、斗马、走马、见花、上任、转马、张台、竹马有线索的朋友、马迹、十马、十马、十棚、牛、马、牛、马、马头不对,马脸不对,马头不对,牛嘴不对,马头,牛脸,男孩,马,走又拿马,马单枪匹马,马为先。 好马不过是千军万马的一轮。 曹不记马、乞​​丐、马医、秋高马、肥千马、狗、爱马者。 秋马轻肥,毛马轻狂。 鱼龙寻马于唐城,寻马于唐司马青司,白马,青衫,司马,在城墙上,立即立于拳上,马动于臂上。 兵马之命,软而快,马强,马强,马强,马强,马在说话,马在嘶鸣,兵满,马在腾,白马甘愿被砍,也敢拉下皇上。 当活马为大夫,高车,高盖,高门九关虎豹是什么生肖,杀一马,毁一车,吃一马,留一肝,不追四马县车,四马,车,散马,牛,马,四马,草料,司马昭的心,谁都知道司马昭的心先射人,射马,肉欲狗,马,好马,肉欲狗,马,老马,老马,老马,马赛翁丢了马项圈 马,牛,马,牛,金,马,玉堂,只让纺马的君子说,快马,鞭子,轮子,神马、快马、鞭子、神马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、小米、驴嘴、驴唇、驴唇、马嘴、葛谟、马露、马脚、龙马精神,老马情栈,老马识道马远知马力,日久见人心。 马无法理解鞍马。 翻人倒立马腹逃生鞭马皮裹马工片速片速马工马皮补尸马背炮马角黑白马角黑头马迹线索马空济北马龙车水马鹿异形红色鹿易形马邋遢老虎饲料马尖兵马脸牛头马毛刺猬马毛刺猬买马招兵买马招马牛马牛风马还马泼水前马,卒,马入华山,马如流水,盲人骑盲马,盲人盲马盲马,马如游龙马,游如鱼马,水。 马上车龙得天下,马上房子成功,马上看花马,细毛长发,马上马头在墙上,马头看马头,马头看马头,马头看马头,马头看马头。马要东马吞车 马、高马、大牛、裙子、火车、马、爱情、豆子、马、爱情、豆子 坏车、可怜马、兵藏兵库,马入华山,兵荒马乱,兵惊,马乱,伯乐相马,兵马不动,粮草先行,兵马不动,粮食且草先行,马,文章,宝马,香车,兵,强马,避世,金马不食马肝,不知马肝,北叟失马,车尘满天,马满了,车驰了,马突然跑了,马慢了,马闲了,马死了,马死了,马牵着马,马过窗外。 马英门吹牛,射马车,水马龙车满马关,车尘,马迹,车辙,马迹,车在马前。 东风吹马耳。 脚代马望北代马一风单枪单马单马丹书白马短袄两匹马二子一马风吹马耳风车雨马风车云马不驴不马风马不接炮放后马,马华阳风马牛不,类似风,马,肥马,轻毛,风,云,车,牛骑在马上,牛归马。 风、牛、马不一样。 马声、马身、马皮、高头马、毁车、杀马、寒蝉、马剑、马马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马、马功、牛、马、猴年、马月,牛,马,枪,马,害群之马。 树数、马数、马鞍数、马鸠数、战车数、竹马数、金马数、铁马数




猴年马月猴王冠尖嘴猴腮猴吓鸡猴头猴脑脑尖嘴猴腮,猴子,冠猕猴骑土牛,猴子戴皇冠,猴子杀鸡。 木厚轩鹤冠猴猿乘月杀鸡教猴


孤鹤群、打鸡骂狗、穿鸡海豚、斗鸡养狗、斗鸡斗狗、斗鸡斗酒、斗鸡斗马、斗鸡斗狗、蠢如木鸡、蠢如木鸡、笨鸡、绑鸡之力、凤毛鸡胆、扇张鸡小米、狗偷鸡叫、狗偷鸡叫、如何用牛刀切鸡、鹤处鸡、鸡皮毛色白,鸡皮有骨,鸡睡鹤,鹤立鸡群,淮南鸡犬,淮王鸡狗,鹤群鸡,鸡不如凤,鸡虫得失、鸡虫得失、鸡胆狗肚、鸡蛋里找骨头、鸡打蛋、鸡吠、鸡跳、鸡走、鸡皮白毛、鸡骨撑床、金鸡独立、、嫁鸡与鸡同嫁,与狗嫁狗,,金鸡新闻,家鸡野猫头鹰,家鸡野雉,嫁鸡追鸡,鸡口牛,鸡零碎,见鸡蛋要鸡,烂鸡嘴硬、鸡鸣、鸡鸣狗偷、鸡鸣狗叫、鸡鸣犁地、鸡鸣后旦、鸡鸣戒、鸡鸣狗叫、鸡鸣跳舞、鸡皮鸡皮白毛、鸡狗不安、鸡和狗不惊,鸡狗不落,鸡狗不安,鸡狗不闻,鸡凤窝,鸡狗同仙,鸡狗桑麻,鸡狗升天。 ,鸡和狗不害怕,鸡和狗听到鸡和鹅打架的声音,鸡尸体,鸡头和鱼刺,鸡和海豚的呼吸,青蛙和鸡,鸡和鸭打架,鸡和鸭争夺食物,鸡胸鳖,鸡狗相闻,老死不相识,鸡斗鹅斗荸荠,磨成鸡头,养木鸡,牛刀切鸡,煮鸡一口大锅,不如有鸡口,不做牛,宁做鸡口,不做牛,不如做鸡口,不做牛后,不做女鸡晨报晓、母鸡公报晓、母鸡思辰、母鸡思旦、认鸡为凤、汝南晨鸡、鼠腹鸡肠、鼠腹鸡肠、杀鸡猴、杀鸡猴、杀鸡杀猴子 鸡擦脖子、杀鸡、杀鸡、杀鸡、野鸡、舞镜、杀鸡换小米、杀鸡、吓猴、杀鸡、偷狗、耍鸡、偷鸡、偷米、偷鸡、偷狗、偷鸡摸狗、鸡瓦狗土鸡、瓦狗、陶狗、瓦鸡闻鸡跳舞。 瓮里的鸡吃起来像鸡肋,小肚鸡肠,断尾公鸡,夜啼公鸡。 骂狗抓鸡骂狗争鸡丢羊鸡柳酒




Pigs and dogs are not as good as pigs and dogs, pigs are worse than dogs, pigs are worse than dogs, pigs are brave, pigs of , horse shop pigs, to be pigs and , one and one pig, muddy pigs and dogs, at pigs and dogs, pig slave show, fat pig , pigs and sheep, hogs, long , pigs, and pig as as pigs

3. :

about mice:

: sharp mouth and sharp teeth, with a , and , doing bad at night. (hit an )

: It has a mouth and a long tail, oil and food, hides in caves the day, and comes out to be busy at night. (hit an )

: My lives in , the front door and the back door are not . I am not of , lions and , but I am that the tiger will go down the .

: small eyes, tail horse, for a , sees will fight. (hit an )

: mouth, long tail, I went to to steal food, and my son and were left at home, I don't know to home or not.

: Earth wall, earth door wall, and are , and when they go out, they meet an old man with white beard. (hit an )

: There are tombs but no head of the tomb. The have been for . When they met a , they were to shit. (hit an )

: A mound of earth for a wall, in which lies an old ashes, a , with eyes like . (hit an )

: round eyes, and , one end into the hole, the cat can't come out. (hit an )

: The thing has a high IQ, can make holes since , hides in the nest the day, and comes at night. (hit an )

about cows:

1. Two lamps, two fans, four oil and two .

2. Two lamps, two , four oil and two fans.

3. He wears a – hat and a black robe, and in a nasal voice, which can hear .

4. The four their faces and drums, with a fork in front and a broom in the back.

5. Two are , two fans are used to fan both sides, four are used to beat back and forth, and a broom is used to sweep both sides.

6. One gave birth to nine sons, two sons are , two sons play fans, four sons farm, and one son plays .

7. A wife has nine , two play fans, two are , four work, and one child plays.

8. Work hard and , work hard in the , tens of of tons of grain, and only use grass as food.

9. in the nap


A small meat ladle with red hair and out; who wants to bump it shake it .


Don't beat it flat, don't it, don't paint it black.

cow dung,

There was a felt hat at the head of the south field. I it up and , but no one it.

There is a mill on the top of the , and the cow doll dare not sit on it.

Black chick, on the , their feet when they saw it.

about :

1. Lives in the and deep , quick-, brave and , not of , him as the king of ,

2. It looks like a cat from a , but looks like a cat up close. It has a and has a king on its . When it sees a tree, it dare not go up

3. a robe with a black , to shake the hills, not rice, but meat, with Wang on his

4. Born in the full of , a , the tower is the king among all , full of and dry

5. robes, dark spots, teeth and eyes, known as the king in the , to prey on wild

about ;

: red eyes, white fur robe, short tail, long ears. He loves to eat and , and he when he walks. (Hit an ) :

: It has long ears and eats , and is so cute. (Hit an ) :

: Two ears are long and , a short tail is back, two eyes are like agate, and a mouth is into three parts. (Hit an ) :

: red eyes, white , short tail, long ears. (Hit an ) :

: The the tiger (type an idiom)

: (type one word) : Free

: Long and , red and , love it the most. (beat a ) :

: fight (play an idiom) : Jump up and down

: don't eat grass their nests (type an idiom) : Seek far away

about :

but not



You bring a saber to see

You have the moon to the

A on the cloth

The rain is and about the birth of the

about :

1. A thing, to look . The body is so that is when they see it. (Hit an ) : Snake

2. is also lying down, is also lying down, is also lying down, lying down is also lying down. (hit an ) : Snake

3. There is a long and thin rope with two eyes on it. and are , and they often in the grass. (Hit an ) : Snake

4. it is a , it is a line. (Hit an ) : Snake

5. An with a long body, likes to wear black , its head and gets angry when it is , and has a flat neck and blows . ——Play a : Cobra

6. There is a mill on the , and the world dare not sit on it.: snake

7. hoop, hoop, open it, but the hoop be : Snake

8. No feet or hands, goose skin .If it, he is and walks away. : Snake

9. The body is , walks , goes in and out of holes, and .: snake

10. Take off old every few days, walk claws, climb trees so , and move on (hit an ) : Snake/

11. A small , in water, has no legs since , and its body is as thin as a rope. (play an : snake

12. it is a , it has no feet, and it is when it and mice (hit an ) : Snake

13. Raise the sails and turn the to sail the boat : Snake with no arms and legs, in the cave of the cold- (hit an ) : Snake

14. A big hands and feet, with armor on its body to bluff (hit an ) : Snake

15. It looks like a rope and is fast, legs like a (hit an ) : Snake

about ;

1. all day long until both sides have no mouth. (type one word)

2. There is a bird. (type one word)

3. The two sides give in and do not scold each other (type one word)

4. If you sit, I will not sit. If I can do it, you can't. You sleep flat, and I sleep until dawn.

5. is also , is also , is also , lying is also

6. The young as soon as they come

7. One leads a horse (carry)

8. Next to horse ()

9. A horse drank the water in the pool (chi)

10. Rush into the tall horse the door (break)

11. Every has a horse ()

12. It's so rare to have a horse ()

13. Four side by side (si)

14. A horse the broke the beam ()

about sheep:

: There are ten sheep, nine are in the , and one is in the . (type an idiom)

: (a sheep wrong)

: Here comes the wolf (hit a fruit)

: (sheep )

: The sheep (type an idiom)

: (the sheep did not )

: Only with can there be (type one word)

: sheep

: not in (type a word)

The to the : the sheep speak in

: a big , wild grass, and away all the fur after the . (hit an )

: sheep

: It has two horns, wears a big , eats green grass, and pulls black dates. (hit an )

: sheep

: horns on the head, white beard. (hit an )

: sheep

: An old man with a white beard, with a bag of black beans, while . (hit an )

: sheep

: He will run when he lands, has a big beard, and calls his no who he meets. (hit an )

: goat

: a big , grass on the , and his own fur to keep warm. (hit an )

: sheep

: The two are like a , and the body is with white curly hair. He is full of and a lot, and his food is green grass. (hit an )

: sheep

: When you plant a tree, you will (type one word)

: sheep

: How can it be ? It can be with sheep. (type one word)


Tips: The "ke" on the right side of the word "he" is , and "sheep" is .

: Herds of and sheep ( one)

: shame

: The judge the (type a place name in )


Tips: What do do in the ? not , came to judge the sheep ().

: The , sheep and are , and the sound of pigs can be heard. (type one word)

: Zhu

: See and sheep when the wind blows the grass (type one word)

: save

: It is not to herd and sheep (type the name of a Tang poet)

: Du Mu

Tips: "" and never put "herd".

: Cut off the sheep's tail, any blood. (type one word)

: cover

Tips: Cut off the tail of the for "sheep", "丷王"; a bit of "blood", it the for "dish".

brain ;

: Xi , Black Cat, and Sun went to the store to buy . They were too noisy and were out by the clerk. May I ask who among these three was not ?

: Xi was not , the store is open for 24 hours (sheep)

Q: What does the who leads the sheep into the photo want to do?

: Make a ""

about :

1. Hairy body, four hands, like a human, like a dog.

2. One thing is like a and a dog. It is good at poles and trees. It is good at human . There are no in the .

3. The upper and lower limbs are all hands, and and walks. When , it looks like a , and when , it looks like a dog.

4. It is full of hair and has an tail. It can't walk, but can only jump. 5. What doesn't like lines?

about :

The crown is worn on the head, and the do not need to be cut with . He is a hero, and he will open of doors when he sings. (hit an )


a big red hat and , it looks like a small alarm clock, which wakes up early in the . (hit an )


The red crown on the head does not need to be , and the whole body is snow-white to walk in the . He dare not speak in his life, and he will open of doors. (hit an )


a red crown on top, . When the dawn can be , wakes up. (hit an )


among trees

among trees

bird in the tree hears sound

meets again after 7

Ask again

See also east

A to and a with Ziji

A beach of goes to with 7 of

about dogs:

are born with , and they are not when they see .: dog

There is an iron lock, which is at the door every day. Good let it go, and see it go.: dog

is not as tall as , and wears robes all year round. It barks when it sees a , and wags its tail when it sees its .: dog

His name is Xiao Hua, he likes to wag his tail, at the door at night, and is most of .: dog

head, plum feet, a knife from the , than .: dog

walks, the house from to night, wants to bite when he sees them, and wags his tail when he sees his .: dog

head, plum feet, a from the , black and white gray and , than .: dog

His name is Xiao Hua, he likes to wag his tail, at the door at night, and is most of .: dog

The eyes are round and round, and they are with fire.: dog

The told it to keep , and it would bark when came.: dog





有个懒家伙,光吃不做工,别看它无用,全身都是宝。 谜底:猪




大耳朵,噘嘴巴,吃起饭来巴达巴, 细尾巴,胖嘟嘟,吃罢就睡呼噜噜。谜底:猪







胖胖黑面郎,尾巴节节香。 (pig)

十二生肖排最末,手脚不快最爱磨。 (pig)

好吃懒做舒胖子,人人说它蠢得死。 (pig)

耳朵大,尾巴小。顿顿吃饲料,天天睡大觉。 (pig)

四柱八栏杆,住着懒惰汉。鼻子团团转,尾巴打个圈。 (pig)

有个懒家伙, 只吃不干活, 戴顶帽子帽边大, 穿件褂子纽扣多。 (pig)

身体肥胖眼睛小,耳大嘴噘泥里跑。肉鲜味美皮做鞋,鬃毛做刷数它好。 (pig)

耳大身肥眼睛小,好吃懒做爱睡觉,模样虽丑浑身宝九关虎豹是什么生肖,生产生活不可少。 (pig)

耳朵大,脚丫小,肥肥胖胖爱睡觉,浑身上下都有用,人们称它农家宝。 (pig)


肚皮大来尾巴小,好吃懒做爱睡觉,虽然没病也哼哼,不热也把扇子摇。 (pig)


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